Blackwell thanksgiving

Know the Risks to Protect Your Family: Top Thanksgiving Safety Tips To Learn Thanksgiving is a major holiday in the United States. While there are many important holidays, Thanksgiving reaches nearly every American because it transcends all religions applying to everyone, it is a semester milestone in school, and it marks the start of the…

Blackwell Halloween

Trick-or-Treating and Other Halloween Safety in South Carolina: Important Tips from David Blackwell Law. Out of all the holidays, Halloween is the one where children are allowed to be goofy and have fun with friends outside, dressing up to go trick-or-treating, having parties, and playing fun games while eating sweets. For most people, Halloween is…

buying car insurance in South Carolina

Lancaster Car Accident Lawyers Explain Buying Car Insurance in South Carolina: What You Need to Know and How to Protect Your Family For most people, automobile insurance is not something they think about every day. There are really two instances when most people think about automobile insurance. The first time is when they are buying…

18-wheeler truck accidents are different than car accidents

An accident with an 18-wheeler truck is very different than other types of motor vehicle accidents. These large vehicles are many times bigger than automobiles and carry heavy loads. It is because of these reasons and others listed below that 18-wheeler truck accidents are different from car accidents, in both the legal consequences and in…

how car accident claims work in South Carolina

Right after a serious car wreck is a lousy time to learn something new. Car crash victims are typically injured or mourning the loss of a loved one, plus they may be dealing with high medical bills, fighting a car insurance company, and without reliable transportation. On top of all that stress, most crash victims…

what auto insurance do I need

January is a time when a lot of folks rededicate themselves to doing what’s best for them. For some drivers, that might include getting serious about their auto insurance coverage. As a New Year’s resolution, insurance doesn’t capture people’s imaginations the way that weight loss or creating a budget might. But when you work with…

differences between tractor trailers and car accidents

In our line of work, we see a lot of car and truck accidents. If you’ve never been involved in the details of a tractor-trailer accident—and we hope you haven’t been—it might be tempting to believe that a semi truck crash is just a car wreck with a bigger vehicle. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. There…

braking distances and semi truck accidents

Most South Carolina drivers know that the enormous size difference between passenger vehicles and large trucks can make any type of collision deadly. But many drivers don’t realize how much space truck drivers actually need to come to a full stop. Understanding the importance of giving a truck adequate braking distance can go a long…

Meet David Blackwell

The South Carolina personal injury law firm, David Blackwell Law, announces the launch of its new personal injury website. The site has been improved so that it is dirt simple to use. Your time is valuable, so we provide relevant information that will help you immediately learn your legal rights and get the protection that…

health vs auto insurance after a car accident

After a car accident, injured South Carolinians often have different insurance options that can help pay for their injuries and related losses. These include auto insurance policies and health care plans. However, many crash victims aren’t sure where to turn first to claim compensation for their injuries. The dedicated South Carolina car accident attorneys at…