Community Heroes And Resources

Lancaster County offers many resources for people in need—but sometimes it’s hard to know who to call. We established this page as a way to put information at your fingertips so you or someone you know can find the help they need. From medical care to food and electricity, from elderly care to scholarships for education, our desire is to see this list grow and we try to bridge the gap between those who are needy—and those who can help.

Are you an organizational administrator and don’t see your group listed? Please call or email us at David Blackwell Law or  to provide us with information to post about your services.

Care Health Center, Carenet, Inc.

Care Health Center seeks to provide the highest quality affordable and accessible healthcare services to the underserved and others.

Address: 838 W Meeting St., Medical Arts 5H, Lancaster, SC 29720
Phone: 803-285-2273
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Hope of Lancaster, SC

Hope is a faith-based, non-profit organization that provides short-term emergency assistance to those in crisis. HOPE strives every day to ease the suffering and hold together families in a crisis, as they work to improve their immediate quality of life.

Address: 2008 Pageland Hwy., Lancaster, SC 29720
Phone: 803-285-4673 | Email
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 AM-11:30 AM

If you are coming to HOPE for assistance, please bring with you:

  • Picture ID
  • Social Security Cards for each person in your household
  • Food Stamp Support Form from DSS
  • Landlord statement (if requesting rental assistance)
  • Most recent bill (must be in your name)
  • Documentation for short-term emergency

Lancaster County Fellowship of Christian Athletes

FCA’s Campus Ministry is initiated and led by student-athletes and coaches on a junior high, high school and college campuses. In the fall when students return to campus they apply what they learned at camp on their campus, in their locker rooms and huddles. Student-athletes have numerous ways to minister to campuses across the world through TeamFCA Bible Studies, Chapel Program, One Way 2 Play, Fields of Faith, Huddles, and community outreach. Huddles also team up with other campus ministries to help minister to their campuses in joint efforts to impact their communities.

Address: 452 Lakeshore Pkwy., Suite #205, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: 803-327-8512 | Website

Community Outreach Form
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